Excerpt From Mein Kampf That Says I Will Make Germany Great Again

Afterwards the War, product had begun over again and it was idea that improve times were coming. Frederick the Smashing after the 7 Years War had, as the issue of superhuman efforts, left Prussia without a penny of debt: at the finish of the World War, Germany was encumbered with her own debt of some vii or 8 milliards of marks and across that was faced with the debts of "the balance of the earth" - "the so-called reparations." The product of Germany's work thus belonged, not to the nation, but to her strange creditors: "it was carried endlessly in trains for territories beyond our frontiers." Every worker had to support some other worker, the product of whose labor was commandeered by the foreigner. "The German people after xx-five or thirty years, in consequence of the fact that information technology will never be able to pay all that is demanded of it, will take so gigantic a sum still owing that practically it will be forced to produce more than it does today." What volition the end be? and the answer to that question is "Pledging of our country, enslavement of our labor-strength. Therefore, in the economical sphere, November 1918 was in truth no accomplishment, only it was the offset of our collapse." And in the political sphere we lost kickoff our military prerogatives, and with that loss went the existent sovereignty of our State, and then our fiscal independence, for there remained always the Reparations Commission and then that "practically we have no longer a politically independent German Reich, we are already a colony of the outside world. We accept contributed to this because and so far as possible nosotros humiliated ourselves morally, we positively destroyed our ain honor and helped to befoul, to besmirch, and to deny everything which we previously held equally sacred." If it be objected that the Revolution has won for us gains in social life: "they must be extraordinarily hush-hush, these social gains - so clandestine that one never sees them in applied life - they must but run like a fluid through our German atmosphere. Some one may say 'Well, in that location is the eight-hour day!' And was a plummet necessary to gain that? And volition the eight-60 minutes solar day be rendered any more secure through our becoming practically the bailiff and the drudge of the other peoples?" One of these days France will say: "You cannot meet your obligations, you must work more." So this accomplishment of the Revolution is put in question first of all past the Revolution.

"So some one has said: 'Since the Revolution the people has gained "Rights." The people governs.' Strange! The people has now been ruling three years and no one has in practice once asked its opinion. Treaties were signed which volition hold u.s.a. down for centuries: and who has signed the treaties? The people? No! Governments which one fine day presented themselves as Governments. And at their election the people had nothing to do salve to consider the question: there they are already, whether I elect them or non. If we elect them, so they are in that location through our election. Merely since we are a self-governing people, we must elect the folk in order that they may be elected to govern us.

"Then information technology was said, 'Freedom has come to us through the Revolution.' Some other of those things that one cannot see very hands! Information technology is of form true that 1 can walk downwardly the street, the individual can go into his workshop and he can exit again: here and there he can go to a meeting. In a discussion, the individual has liberties. But in general, if he is wise, he will keep his mouth shut. For if in old times boggling intendance was taken that no ane should let sideslip annihilation which could exist treated as lèse-majesté, now a man must accept much greater care that he doesn't say anything which might represent an insult to the majesty of a member of Parliament."

And if we enquire who was responsible for our misfortune, then we must ask who profited by our collapse. And the answer to that question is the "Banks and Stock Exchanges are more flourishing than ever before." We were told that capitalism would exist destroyed, and when we ventured to remind one or other of these "famous statesmen" and said "Don't forget that Jews likewise have capital letter," then the answer will at present be destroyed, the whole people volition at present be gratis. We are not fighting Jewish or Christian capitalism, we are fighting every capitalism: nosotros are making the people completely costless."

"Christian capitalism" is already as proficient equally destroyed, the international Jewish Stock Exchange capital gains in proportion as the other loses footing. It is but the international Stock Commutation and loan-upper-case letter, the so-called "supra-land upper-case letter," which has profited from the collapse of our economic life, "the capital which receives its graphic symbol from the unmarried supra-state nation which is itself national to the cadre, which fancies itself to be in a higher place all other nations, which places itself in a higher place other nations and which already rules over them.

"The international Stock Commutation upper-case letter would be unthinkable, it would never have come up, without its founders the supra-national, because intensely national, Jews...."

"The Jew has non grown poorer: he gradually gets bloated, and, if you lot don't believe me, I would ask you lot to get to 1 of our health-resorts; there you will find two sorts of visitors: the German who goes at that place, perchance for the first time for a long while, to breathe a footling fresh air and to recover his health, and the Jew who goes there to lose his fat. And if you become out to our mountains, whom do you find there in fine brand-new yellow boots with fantabulous rucksacks in which at that place is by and large nada that would really be of any use? And why are they there? They become up to the hotel, usually no further than the train can take them: where the train stops, they cease too. And so they sit near somewhere within a mile from the hotel, similar blow-flies circular a corpse.

"These are not, you may be certain, our working classes: neither those working with the listen, nor with the body. With their worn apparel they get out the hotel on one side and go on climbing: they would not feel comfortable coming into this perfumed atmosphere in suits which date from 1913 or 1914. No, convincingly the Jew has suffered no privations!..."

"While now in Soviet Russian federation the millions are ruined and are dying, Chicherin - and with him a staff of over 200 Soviet Jews - travels past express train through Europe, visits the cabarets, watches naked dancers perform for his pleasance, lives in the finest hotels, and does himself meliorate than the millions whom once yous thought you must fight every bit 'bourgeois.' The 400 Soviet Commissars of Jewish nationality - they do non suffer; the thousands upon thousands of sub-Commissars - they practice not suffer. No! all the treasures which the 'proletarian' in his madness took from the 'suburbia' in order to fight so-called capitalism - they take all gone into their hands. Once the worker appropriated the pocketbook of the landed proprietor who gave him work, he took the rings, the diamonds and rejoiced that he had at present got the treasures which before only the 'suburbia' possessed. Merely in his hands they are dead things - they are veritable expiry-gold. They are no turn a profit to him. He is banished into his wilderness and one cannot feed oneself on diamonds. For a morsel of bread he gives millions in objects of value. Just the staff of life is in the hands of the Country Fundamental Organization and this is in the hands of the Jews: so everything, everything that the common human thought that he was winning for himself, flows dorsum once again to his seducers.

"And now, my dear swain-countrymen, do you believe that these men, who with us are going the same way, will end the Revolution? They do non wish the end of the Revolution, for they practice not demand it. For them the Revolution is milk and beloved.

"And farther they cannot terminate the Revolution. For if one or some other amid the leaders were really non seducer simply seduced, and today, driven by the inner voice of horror at his crime, were to step before the masses and brand his declaration: 'We have all deceived ourselves: nosotros believed that we could lead you out of misery, but we accept in fact led y'all into a misery which your children and your children's children must still behave' - he cannot say that, he cartel not say that, he would on the public square or in the public coming together exist torn in pieces."

Merely amongst the masses there begins to flow a new stream - a stream of opposition. "It is the recognition of the facts which is already in pursuit of this system, it already is hunting the organisation down; it will one day scourge the masses into action and behave the masses along with information technology. And these leaders, they run across that behind them the anti-Semitic wave grows and grows; and when the masses once recognize the facts, that is the end of these leaders."

And thus the Left is forced more and more than to turn to Bolshevism. "In Bolshevism they come across today the sole, the last possibility of preserving the present country of affairs. They realize quite accurately that the people is beaten so long as Brain and Paw can be kept apart. For alone neither Encephalon nor Hand can really oppose them. So long therefore as the Socialist idea is coined only by men who see in information technology a ways for disintegrating a nation, and then long can they residue in peace."

"But it will be a sorry day for them when this Socialist thought is grasped past a Movement which unites with information technology the highest Nationalist pride, with Nationalist defiance, and thus places the Nation's Brain, its intellectual workers, on this ground. And so this system will break up, and there would remain only ane single means of salvation for its supporters: vis. to bring the catastrophe upon usa earlier their own ruin, to destroy the Nation'southward Encephalon, to bring it to the scaffold - to innovate Bolshevism."

"Then the Left neither can nor volition help. On the contrary, their first lie compels them constantly to resort to new lies. There remains then the Right. And this party of the Right meant well, but it cannot do what it would considering up to the present time it has failed to recognize a whole series of unproblematic principles.

"In the first identify the Right all the same fails to recognize the danger. These gentlemen still persist in believing that it is a question of being elected to a Landtag or of posts as minister or secretaries. They think that the decision of a people's destiny would mean at worst nothing more than than some impairment to their and so-chosen bourgeois-economic existence. They accept never grasped the fact that this conclusion threatens their heads. They have never all the same understood that it is not necessary to exist an enemy of the Jew for him to elevate y'all ane day on the Russian model to the scaffold. They do not meet that it is quite plenty to take a head on your shoulders and non to exist a Jew: that will secure the scaffold for you lot.

In consequence their whole activeness today is so fiddling, so limited, so hesitating and pusillanimous. They would like to - but they can never make up one's mind on any great deed, considering they neglect to realize the greatness of the whole period.

"And and then there is another fundamental error: they have never got it clear in their own minds that at that place is a deviation or how keen a deviation there is between the conception 'National' and the give-and-take 'dynastic' or 'monarchistic.' They do not empathize that today it is more than than always necessary in our thoughts as Nationalists to avoid anything which might perhaps cause the individual to think that the National Idea was identical with petty everyday political views. They ought day by day to din into the ears of the masses: 'We want to bury all the piddling differences and to bring out into the light the large things, the things nosotros have in mutual which bind united states of america to ane some other. That should weld and fuse together those who have nevertheless a German language centre and a love for their people in the fight against the common hereditary foe of all Aryans. How afterward we divide upwards this State, friends - we have no wish to dispute over that! The form of a State results from the essential character of a people, results from necessities which are so elementary and powerful that in time every private will realize them without any disputation when one time all Germany is united and free.'

"And finally they all fail to understand that nosotros must on principle gratuitous ourselves from any grade standpoint. It is of form very easy to call out to those on the Left, 'You must not be proletarians, leave your class-madness,' while you yourselves keep to call yourself 'bourgeois.' They should acquire that in a single State there is only one supreme denizen-right, one supreme citizen-honour, and that is the correct and the honor of honest work. They should further learn that the social idea must be the essential foundation for any Land, otherwise no State can permanently endure.

"Certainly a government needs power, it needs forcefulness. Information technology must, I might virtually say, with brutal ruthlessness press through the ideas which it has recognized to be right, trusting to the actual authority of its strength in the State. Only even with the most ruthless brutality it tin ultimately prevail only if what it seeks to restore does truly correspond to the welfare of a whole people.

"That the so-called enlightened authoritarianism of a Frederick the Neat was possible depended solely on the fact that, though this homo could undoubtedly accept decided 'arbitrarily' the destiny - for good or ill - of his and then-called 'subject field,' he did not do so, simply made his decisions influenced and supported by one thought lone, the welfare of his Prussian people. it was this fact but that led the people to tolerate willingly, nay joyfully, the dictatorship of the great rex.

"And the Right has further completely forgotten that democracy is fundamentally no German language: it is Jewish. It has completely forgotten that this Jewish commonwealth with its majority decisions has always been without exception only a means towards the destruction of whatsoever existing Aryan leadership. The Right does non understand that directly every small question of turn a profit or loss is regularly put before and so-called 'public stance,' he who knows how most skillfully to make this 'public opinion' serve his own interests becomes forthwith primary in the State. And that tin be achieved by the human being who tin lie near artfully, most infamously; and in the final resort he is non the German, he is, in Schopenauer'southward words, 'the swell master in the art of lying' - the Jew.

"And finally it has been forgotten that the condition which must precede every deed is the will and the courage to speak the truth - and that we do not see today either in the Right or in the Left.

"There are only ii possibilities in Frg; do non imagine that the people will forever become with the middle party, the party of compromises; one twenty-four hours it will plow to those who have most consistently foretold the coming ruin and have sought to dissociate themselves from it. And that party is either the Left: and then God help us! for it volition lead usa to complete destruction - to Bolshevism, or else it is a party of the Right which at the last, when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any organized religion in annihilation, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power - that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago. Here, too, there tin can be no compromise - there are simply two possibilities: either victory of the Aryan or anything of the Aryan and the victory of the Jew.

"It is from the recognition of this fact, from recognizing it, I would say, in utter, dead earnestness, that there resulted the germination of our Movement. There are two principles which, when we founded the Movement, we engraved upon our hearts: first, to base information technology on the near sober recognition of the facts and 2nd, to proclaim these facts with the most ruthless sincerity.

"And this recognition of the facts discloses at once a whole series of the nigh of import fundamental principles which must guide this immature Motion which, we hope, is destined one day for greatness:

"1. 'National' and 'social' are two identical conceptions. Information technology was only the Jew who succeeded, through falsifying the social idea and turning it into Marxism, not only in divorcing the social idea from the national, but in really representing them equally utterly contradictory. That aim he has in fact achieved. At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it 'National Socialist.' We said to ourselves that to be 'national' means in a higher place everything to human action with a boundless and across-the-board love for the people and, if necessary, eve to dice for it. And similarly to be 'social' means so to build up the State and the community of the people that every private acts in the interest of the community of the people and must be to such an extent convinced of the goodness, of the honorable straightforwardness of this community of the people every bit to be ready to die for information technology.

"2. So we said to ourselves: in that location are no such things as classes: they cannot exist. Course means caste and caste ways race. If there are castes in Bharat, well and practiced; there it is possible, for in that location were formerly Aryans and dark aborigines. So information technology was in Arab republic of egypt and Rome. Only with us in Federal republic of germany where everyone who is a German at all has the same blood, has the same eyes, and speaks the same language, here there can exist no class, here at that place tin be only a single people and across that nothing else. Certainly, we recognize, just as anyone must recognize, that there are different 'occupations' and 'professions' [Stände] - there is the Stand of the watchmakers, the Stand of the common laborers, the Stand of the painters or technicians, the Stand of the engineers, officials, etc. Stände there can be. Only in the struggles which these Stände have amongst themselves for the equalization of their economic conditions, the conflict and the partition must never be so keen as to sunder the ties of race.

"And if you say 'But there must afterwards all exist a divergence betwixt honest creators and those who do zilch at all' - certainly there must! That is the difference which lies in the performance of the conscientious work of the private. Work must exist the great connecting link, merely at the same time the great factor which separates ane human being from some other. The drone is the foe of u.s.a. all. Only the creators - it matters not whether they are brain workers or workers with the hand - they are the nobility of our State, they are the German people!

"We empathise under the term 'work' exclusively that action which not only profits the individual but in no fashion harms the community, nay rather which contributes to for the customs.

"three. And in the third place it was clear to usa that this item view is based on an impulse which springs from our race and from our blood. We said to ourselves that race differs from race and, further, that each race in accordance with its fundamental demands shows externally certain specific tendencies, and these tendencies tin can perhaps be near conspicuously traced in their relation to the conception of piece of work. The Aryan regards work equally the foundation for the maintenance of the community of the people amidst its members. The Jew regards piece of work as the ways to the exploitation of other peoples. The Jew never works as a productive creator without the great aim of condign the primary. He works unproductively, using and enjoying other people's piece of work. And thus we understand the iron sentence which Mommsen once uttered: 'The Jews is the ferment of decomposition in peoples,' that means that the Jew destroys and must destroy because he completely lacks the formulation of an activeness which builds up the life of the community. And therefore information technology is beside the point whether the individual Jew is 'decent' or non. In himself he carries those characteristics which Nature has given him, and he cannot ever rid himself of those characteristics. And to us he is harmful. Whether he harms us consciously or unconsciously, that is not our affair. We take consciously to business organisation ourselves for the welfare of our own people.

"4. And fourthly we were further persuaded that economic prosperity is inseparable from political freedom and that therefore that firm of lies, 'Internationalism,' must immediately collapse. We recognized that freedom can eternally exist only a effect of power and that the source of power is the will. Consequently the will to power must exist strengthened in a people with passionate ardor. And thus nosotros realized, fifthly that

"5. Nosotros equally National Socialists and members of the German language Workers' Party - a Party pledge to work - must be on principle the near fanatical Nationalists. We realized that the State can be for our people a paradise just if the people can hold sway therein freely every bit in a paradise: we realized that a slave state even so never be a paradise, but only - always and for all time - a hell or a colony.

"6. And then sixthly nosotros grasped the fact that power in the last resort is possible only where in that location is forcefulness, and that force lies not in the dead weight of numbers but solely in free energy. Even the smallest minority can achieve a might result if it is inspired by the most fiery, the most passionate volition to act. Globe history has always been fabricated by minorities. And lastly

"vii. If one has realized a truth, that truth is valueless then long as there is defective the indomitable will to turn this realization into action!

"These were the foundations of our Movement - the truths on which it was based and which demonstrated its necessity.

"For three years we have sought to realize these fundamental ideas. And of form a fight is and remains a fight. Stroking in very truth will not carry one far. Today the German people has been beaten past a quite other world, while in its domestic life it has lost all spirit; no longer has information technology whatsoever faith. Only how will you give this people once more firm footing below its feet salve past the passionate insistence on one definite, great, clear goal?

"thus we were the first to declare that this peace treaty was a offense. Then folk abused us equally 'agitators.' We were the first to protest against the failure to present this treaty to the people before it was signed. Again nosotros were called on the masses of the people not to surrender their arms, for the surrender of one's arms would exist null less than the outset of enslavement. We were chosen, no, we were cried down as, 'agitators.' We were the showtime to say that this meant the loss of Upper Silesia. So it was, and however they called the states 'agitators.' We declared at that time that compliance in the question of Upper Silesia must take as its result the awakening of a passionate greed which would need the occupation of the Ruhr. We were cried down ceaselessly, again and again. And because nosotros opposed the mad financial policy which today will pb to our collapse, what was it that we were called repeatedly again? 'Agitators.' And today?

"And finally we were also the first to indicate the people on any large scale to a danger which insinuated itself into our midst - a danger which millions failed to realize and which will still lead us all into ruin - the Jewish danger. And today people are saying yet again that we were 'agitators.'

"I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his felling 'every bit a human being and a Christian; prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: my feeling equally a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour equally a fighter. It points me to the Man who once in loneliness, surrounded but by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to the fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as sufferer simply as fighter. In boundless dear as a Christian and as a man I read through that passage which tells usa how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and of adders. How terrific was His fight for the globe against the Jewish poison. Today, after two k years, with deepest emotion I recognize more than profoundly than always before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have not duty to allow myself be cheated, only I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a homo I have the duty to see to it that human society does non suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the aboriginal world some ii thousand years ago - a civilisation which was driven to its ruin through this aforementioned Jewish people.

"And then indeed when Rome collapsed there were countless streams of new German bands flowing into the Empire from the North; but, if Germany collapses today, who is in that location to come later united states of america? German blood upon this earth is on the mode to gradual burnout unless we pull ourselves together and make ourselves free!

"And if there is anything which could demonstrate that nosotros are acting rightly, it is the distress which daily grows. For every bit a Christian I have also a duty to my own people. And when I look on my people I see information technology work and work and toil and labor, and at the finish of the week information technology has only for its wage wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning and come across these men continuing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, and then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord ii thousand years ago, plough against those past whom today this poor people is plundered and exploited.

"And through the distress there is no doubt that the people has been aroused. Externally mayhap apathetic, but within at that place is ferment. And many may say, 'It is an accursed crime to stir up passions in the people.' And so I say to myself: Passion is already stirred through the ascension tide of distress, and ane day this passion volition suspension out in one way or some other: and now I would inquire those who today phone call us 'agitators': 'What then take you to give to the people as a faith to which it might cling?'

"Naught at all, for you lot yourselves have no faith in your own prescriptions.

"That is the mightiest thing which our Movement must create: for these widespread, seeking and straying masses a new Faith which will not fail them in this 60 minutes of defoliation, to which they can pledge themselves, on which they can build and so that they may at to the lowest degree find over again a place which may bring calm to their hearts."

Mein Kampf

And then nosotros National Socialists consciously draw a line beneath the foreign policy tendency of our pre-State of war catamenia. Nosotros take up where we broke off six hundred years agone. We stop the endless High german movement to the southward and w, and turn our gaze toward the land in the east. At long terminal we interruption of the colonial and commercial policy of the pre-State of war period and shift to the soil policy of the future.

If we speak of soil in Europe today, nosotros can primarily take in mind only Russia and her vassal border states.
Here Fate itself seems desirous of giving us a sign. By handing P ussia to Bolshevism, it robbed the Russian nation of that intelligentsia which previously brought about and guaranteed its existence as a land. For the arrangement of a Russian country germination was not the result of the political abilities of the Slavs in Russia, just only a wonderful example of the state-forming efficacity of the German language element in an junior race. Numerous mighty empires on globe have been created in this mode. Lower nations led past Germanic organizers and overlords accept more than once grown to be mighty land formations and have endured equally long every bit the racial nudeus of the artistic country race maintained itself. For centuries Russian federation drew nourishment from this Germanic nucleus of its upper leading strata. Today it can be regarded as almost totally exterminated and extinguished. It has been replaced by the Jew. Impossible as it is for the Russian by himself to shake off the yoke of the Jew by his own resources, it is equally incommunicable for the Jew to maintain the mighty empire forever. He himself is no element of system, only a ferment of decomposition. The Persian I empire in the east is ripe for collapse. And the stop of Jewish rule in Russia will besides be the end of Russian federation equally a country. We take been chosen by Fate every bit witnesses of a catastrophe which volition be the mightiest confirmation of the soundness of the folkish theory.

Our task, the mission of the National Socialist movement, is to bring our own people to such political insight that they will not see their goal for the future in the jiff-taking sensation of a new Alexander's conquest, but in the industrious work of the German plough, to which the sword need only give soil. . . .
Never forget that the rulers of present-day Russia are common blood-stained criminals; that they are the scum of humanity which, favored by circumstances, overran a great state in a tragic hour, slaughtered and wiped out thousands of her leading ir.telligentsia in wild claret lust, and at present for well-nigh ten years have been carrying on the near cruel and tyrannical authorities of all time. Furthermore, do not forget that these rulers belong to a race which combines, in a rare mixture, bestial cruelty and an inconceivable gift for lying, and which today more than than always is witting of a mission to impose its encarmine oppression on the whole world. Exercise not forget that the international Jew who completely dominates Russia today regards Deutschland, non every bit an ally, simply as a country destined to the aforementioned fate. And you do not make pacts with anyone whose sole interest is the destruction of his partner. Above all, you exercise not make them with elements to whom no pact would be sacred, since they do non live in this globe as representatives of honor and sincerity, simply as champions of deceit, lies, theft, plunder, and rapine. If a man believes that he tin can enter into profitable connections with parasites, he is like a tree trying to conclude for its own profit an agreement with a mistletoe.

ii. The danger to which Russia succumbed is always nowadays for Federal republic of germany. Simply a bourgeois simpleton is capable of imagining that Bolshevism has been exorcised. With his superficial thinking he has no idea that this is an instinctive process; that is, the striving of the Jewish people for globe domination, a process which is just equally natural as the urge of the Anglo-Saxon to seize domination of the earth. And but as the Anglo-Saxon pursues this grade in his own way and carries on the fight with his own weapons, likewise the Jew. He goes his way, the fashion of sneaking in amid the nations and boring from within, and he fights with his weapons, with lies and slander, poison and corruption, intensifying the struggle to the signal of bloodily exterminating his hated foes. In Russian Bolshevism nosotros must see the attempt undertaken by the Jews in the twentieth century to achieve earth domination. But equally in other epochs they strove to reach the same goal by other, though inwardly related processes. Their endeavor lies profoundly rooted in their essential nature. No more than than some other nation renounces of its own accord the pursuit of its impulse for the expansion of its ability and way of life, but is compelled by outward circumstances or else succumbs to impotence due to the symptoms of old age, does the Jew break off his road to globe dictatorship out of voluntary renunciation, or because he represses his eternal urge. He, too, volition either be thrown back in his course by forces lying outside himself, or all his striving for earth domination will be ended by his ain dying out. But the impotence of nations, their own death from old age, arises from the abandonment of their blood purity. And this is a affair that the Jew preserves better than any other people on earth. And then he advances on his fatal road until another force comes along to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the sky-stormer dorsum to Lucifer.

Deutschland is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent, and to stop the inner contamination of our blood, in order that the forces of the nation thus set free tin be thrown in to safeguard our nationality, and thus tin can forbid a repetition of the recent catastrophes downward to the almost afar time to come. If nosotros pursue this aim, information technology is sheer lunacy to ally ourselves with a power whose main is the mortal enemy of our time to come. How can we look to free our own people from the fetters of this poisonous embrace if we walk right into information technology? How shall nosotros explain Bolshevism to the German language worker equally an accursed crime confronting humanity if we ally ourselves with the organizations of this spawn of hell, thus recognizing information technology in the larger sense? By what right shall nosotros condemn a fellow member of the wide masses for his sympathy with an outlook if the very leaders of the state choose the representatives of this outlook for allies?

The fight against Jewish earth Bolshevization requires a clear attitude toward Soviet Russian federation. 1000 cannot drive out the Devil with Beelsebub.
If today fifty-fifty folkish circles rave about an alliance with Russia, they should just look around them in Germany and see whose back up they observe in their efforts. Or accept folkish men lately begun to view an activity equally benign to the German people which is recommended and promoted by the international Marxist press? Since when do folkish men fight with armor held out to them by a Jewish squire?

At that place is one main charge that could exist raised against the old German Reich with regard to its alliance policy: not, however, that it failed to maintain good relations with Russian federation, merely just that it ruined its relations with everyone by continuous shilly-shallying, in the pathological weakness of trying to preserve earth peace at any toll.

I openly confess that even in the pre-State of war period I would accept thought it sounder if Deutschland, renouncing her senseless colonial policy and renouncing her merchant marine and war armada, had concluded an alliance with England against Russia, thus passing from a feeble global policy to a adamant European policy of territorial acquisition on the continent.

I take not forgotten the insolent threat which the pan-Slavic Russia of that time dared to address to Germany; I have not forgotten the constant practise mobilizations, whose sole purpose was an affront to Deutschland; I cannot forget the mood of public stance in Russia, which outdid itself in mean outbursts against our people and our Reich; I cannot forget the big Russian newspapers, which were always more enthusiastic about France than about u.s..

Just in spite of all that, before the War there would notwithstanding have been a second style: we could take propped ourselves on Russia and turned confronting England.

Today weather condition are different. If earlier the War we could take high-strung downwards every possible sentiment and gone with Russia, today it is no longer possible. The hand of the world clock has moved forward since so, and is loudly hit the hour in which the destiny of our nation must be decided in 1 style or another. The process of consolidation in which the groovy states of the earth are involved at the moment is for us the concluding warning point to stop and search our hearts, to lead our people out of the dream world dorsum to hard reality, and show them the way to the time to come which alone will lead the onetime Reich to a new gold historic period. . . .

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Source: https://history.hanover.edu/courses/excerpts/111hit1.html

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